Dr. Tony Andrews, Canadian Geologist: Mining in Sudan is Very Deep-rooted in History

Khartoum – Sudan Vision interviewed the Canadian geologist, Principal, Centre for Responsible Mineral Development, Dr. Tony Andrews who visited Sudan to take part in the

International Mining Forum and Exhibition held in the period from 27 -29 March 2017, organized by the Ministry of Mining. Sudan Vision seized the opportunity and conducted a brief interview with him in a full text to be published in the coming days. He tackled mining in Sudan and how to develop it, pointing to the modern mining industry and how Sudan benefits from its great potentials and resources.
“This is my second time to visit Sudan”, explaining that his image and perception of Sudan before he came like many other people in the world that the media portrait the image about Sudan.  Even his government in Canada, the media warn about Sudan, so when he came to Sudan he realized that this impression was not correct. He added that Khartoum and most of Sudan is stable and safe.
Sudan has important work to do to change that impression, especially to foreigners .Regards to his participation in the forum, it is the second time to visit Sudan taking part in the international forum and Exhibition 2, noted that Canada is pioneering in Mining all over the World.
Dr. Tony said that Sudan has known Mining before any one even Canada , the history of mining in Sudan is very deep , pointed to that modern mining industry is very different. The task for the people of Sudan and the Sudanese government is it create a proper pathway to lead Sudan to the modern mining industry . He thinks that many governments have not prepared their people to such sort of industry, society and the local community should take place. It has to create awareness among the people and the small scales mining which have to coexist the large scale mining and that is not easy.
Government has a lot of thing to they has to prepare for Modern mining and to attract foreign investment in a successful proper; it will never be with 6 months it will take long time. Concerning the traditional mining where hundreds of people practice it, it is informal, so government has to formalize it, manage it.
Dr. Tony noted that the Canadian government has many programs to assist developing countries around the world and Africa too. He promised when he backed home he will talk to the Canadian government for such assisting programs for Sudan as well as other African countries. He described Sudan is at the beginning place but the right place, Sudan has very significant resources which are excited.
He believes that the Sudanese government has its right way, not to quick but to be patient. Sudan has many resources of minerals. So this is a good opportunity for Sudan for it has many resources, a good investment climate .Sudan is has not secure problems, it is secure, the government is now ready to attract many companies to come to invest in Sudan. He added that Mining has impact on economy, environment, and also has impact on social local community .The Government and the Companies work together with the community.
He described the lifting of the economic sanctions on last January as a positive message to the world, pointed that it took long time to take this decision, said Tony Andrews.
Regards to tourism in Sudan he indicated Sudan long rich history in compare with Canada, adding that the Canadian country looks like a teen ager to the adult one.


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